I then go through all of my tasks, allocating them due dates and times and moving them to projects. The next stage of my to-dos life begins when this notification goes off. My habits dictate I never leave work without having completed everything or moved things to the following day so this became the best way for me to pick anything up that has been missed or cropped up later. I tried doing this as my last thing each day but it didn’t stick.

I have a recurring task to sort my Inbox at 7:30 every morning which is usually the time I am sitting down at my desk. The power of being able to just type out something like “follow up with Geoff in 2 months #work” and never have to think about it again is the biggest thing that improves my productivity and also my mental health. If I know when it needs to be done I can allocate the due date then in natural language and forget about it. If the task can be done straight away and within 5 minutes this is the only time it doesn’t get added because I will complete that task straight away. Whenever any tasks arise I use the Mac shortcut or the widget on iOS to quickly add it to my inbox. Having tried almost all the major task managers, I am sure most people would agree that Todoist does it best for just dumping everything in and this is the reason why I struggle to take to any other app.

All my tasks from heavy-duty projects to simple reminders start life as a string of text in my inbox. More or less everything starts life in here. This isn’t a GTD set up, but it’s my set up and it all starts with the Inbox. I would love you all to give Todoist a try here. This set up has been how I get everything done daily and also why I forget loads of meaningless stuff. I never set levels of tasks that I HAVE to get done each day, but I DO aim to get 3 main things ticked off each working day. The basis of this revolves around “offloading your brain” so you can focus on other things. Even though he is a strong believer in the ability of Things, and also everyone in the repliesseems to think the Todoist design is trash, I think very much that we have the same outlook on GTD. No apologies here, but I ripped off this idea directly from Matt Birchler’s write-up on his Things set up.